Sunday 26 January 2014

The journey continues...

Yesterday I left you with me heading home with my new stuff.

I headed home by bus raring to go. I'm on the bus looking through my new codex: dark angels, getting weird looks from people as to why I was smiling.. I was thinking to myself.. I was ok at painting before.. Now with more knowledge I will be as good as the pros!! WRONG!! But I'll get to that part later.

When I went in the first thing I did was open up Dark Vengeance and pulled the sprues out.. All plastic.. Wow what quality.. Never in my day etc etc.

I get out the land speeder and set up my box in the back garden like a spray booth and under coat the lot with my brand new can of chaos black undercoat!!

Once dried I start taking the models off of the sprues and gluing them together. Only the dark angels though.. I take care in removing all the crap (sprue joins and mould lines) once all the dark angels were together I gave the models a nice healthy coat of calaban green for the tactical squad and ushbati bone for the Deathwing terminators!! WRONG!! 

So then I gave the guns and eyes a touch of the old red treatment and a bit of lead belcher for the metal parts. Then I mixed a lighter green and dry brushed the tactical squad and sat back and thought wow I ain't lost a bit of technique in my old age... Pablo Picasso himself would marvel at this spectical. WRONG!!

Below is an image of my first painted mini

I put myself back on Instagram (having taken myself of a few years previously because of the fact they can use you photos anyware and you can do a thing) and waited for the likes to rack up!! WRONG!!

What I found was that actually I can't paint at all and that there are people out there that put eavy metal painters to shame!! 

So basically with my tail well and truely between my legs I finished my pants painting and cried a little inside. Returning to the shop I bought an attack bike to go with my raven wing and a devastator squad so I could blow stuff up!!

Getting back home I painted these models, again to a standard that can only be described as SUB. See below for a shot of this carnage

I played another game and as I didn't know the rules all that well. Damon at the shop told me that my army was not legal as I had only one troop choice and that devastators were heavy support!! So it was then I decided eBay was the way forward!!

Looking on eBay I saw that the cheapest tactical squads were the ones that were painted.. I thought buying this would be a bad idea as my bad painting on top of painting that is described as tabletop but actually as bad as mine would be a rubbish idea! 

It was at this point I started thinking 'nail varnish remover removes acrylic paint' looked it up on YouTube and found that it would melt my figures.  I researched some more and found simple green! YES the answer to all my dreams I could buy ch... Wait a minute.. Simple green is a US product!! S&@T that don't work! Another hour of searching the internet or as people north of the Watford gap call it t' tinternet I found that good old fashioned dettol would do the trick!!

Nb.. Although I have been doing this only seven months I have learned one pivotal fact.. Well two

1. Dettol should be in every wargamer's box

2. Don't use the said dettol without wearing gloves.. It makes your hands so dry so that they look like the hands of an eighty year old.

When the dettol arrived I decided that I really weren't happy with my painting and decided that the tactical squad, the devastators and Deathwing could go for a bath!!

Now I had only ever seen this technique completed on the internet and had no idea if it was going to ruin my models or not!

I'll leave it there for today.. I think my kids are going to try and fight mortal combat style if I don't see to them soon! For now.. As the cool kids say*.. Laterz

* I don't think it's cool but you need to be.. As they say.. Down with the kids don't you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Its all good fun, I was surprised at how much had changed and how much better people are at paint these days.
