Sunday 26 January 2014

The start of things to come

In the beginning there was the Emperor...

This blog is about 7 months late.. In reality I thought blogging was just uncool!! How wrong was I!!

The basics of this will be a journey of my rebirth as a tabletop Wargamer. My original journey was at 13 to 14 years old when I had a modest 1200 point imperial guard army for Warhammer 40,000. I was at 15 when I found women, beer and cigarettes, and so my 40k life finished for good.

It all started again shortly before my thirtieth birthday when I was speaking to my best friend on the blower about blood bowl, how this conversation got started I can't remember but I do remember the end... It went a little like this...

BF: ..... 40k

Me: yeah dude I would love to get I to that again

The wife: Gary.. What are you talking about??

Me: (to the wife) nothing love (To BF) dude if I get some cash for my birthday I'm gonna go and buy something, I'll catch you later dude.

And so a new monster inside me was born..

So my thirtieth came and went and loaded with cash I started researching some stuff online.. I watched loads of YouTube stuff especially the guys from Beasts of War (those guys are legends) and I was sold on the 40k starter set Dark Vengeance.. But damn Games Workshops is expensive so started looking at internet/independent shops.. Found a store near me in Gants Hill in Essex and called them.

I spoke to the manager Damon who states that every GW product (except direct order items) were 20% off... SOLD... I was there the next day!! 

At the store.. Oh it's called Miniature Empire... I went in with my then 16 year old brother and spoke to Damon. He talked me through the DV set and I mentioned that I hadn't played for a long time and he helpfully offered me a game so that I could get a clue on the rules again. Now this conversation went something like this...

Me: .... And I haven't played for years

Damon: well I have Dark Angels and Necrons here... as you are getting Dark Vengeance and want to play Dark Angels you play them and your son can play my Necrons.

Me: (a bit offended that this nice man could possibly make me old enough for my 16 year old brother to be my son) that's my brother.. And thanks it would be lovely!!

So.. After a game and a bit of cash spent I walked to the bus stop with Dark Vengeance, a land Speeder and a bit of paint and brushes..

And so it began.. This my new hobby that I believe is one of the best in the world and also one where there are not many kids.. 

Well that's enough for now, don't want to tell you guys everything all in one night.. I hope to put some pictures of my painting on here and some of the reports from the battles I've had but for now.. Goodbye.

1 comment:

  1. it's great to have you as part of the store!
    more than welcome to come play a game and get a beating ;)
